Winter School Program 2023

The Gifu University Organization for Promotion of Glocalization (GU-GLOCAL) is hosting a short-term inbound program called the “Winter School Program 2023” from Wednesday, December 6 through Friday, December 22, 2023. This year marks the seventh program since its launch. Gifu University (GU) is accepting six students from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG, India) and two students from the National University of Malaysia (UKM, Malaysia) this year. IITG and UKM are GU’s two overseas partner universities. The Joint Degree Programs (JDP) have been jointly implemented for students between Japan and IITG, and UKM respectively.

The theme of this year’s winter school program is "Studying science of Japanese tradition." The students were given an opportunity to visit Japanese companies, interact with Japanese students, engage in research activities, and experience Japanese culture during this two-week-long program.

The students took part in the "Gifu-JDP Symposium" held on Friday, December 8. They attended special lectures on corporate Japan, visited some major Japanese companies, held talks with GU students and senior high school students within Gifu City, analyzed ceramics and potteries with special device, and carried out experiments on some Japanese foods and cooking methods.

They also studied Japanese culture and Japanese by attending Japanese classes, participating in a gagaku (Japanese ancient court music) workshop, and experiencing tea ceremony and pot-making in Tajmi City, the eastern part of Gifu Prefecture.

On the final day of the program (Friday, December 22), the students make a presentation on their experiences and achievements while studying at GU and living in Japan at "Accomplishment Reports and Closing Ceremony."

*Winter School Program has been supported by the Inter-University Exchange Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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    Students arriving at GU

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    Experiencing gagaku (Japanese ancient court music)

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    Company inspection for MORINAGA & CO., LTD (in Tokyo)

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    Students engaging in material analysis

Please access the link below for the details of JDP.


