The 5th Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023

"The 5th Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023" was held from Thursday, November 16 to Friday, December 8, 2023. The symposium was conducted both online and offline.

The Gifu Joint Degree Symposium started in 2019 to promote implementation of the Joint Degree Programs (JDP) with Gifu University's overseas partner universities. It serves as a platform for discussing the challenges and prospects of JDP.

The 5th Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023 consisted of three sessions: the "Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS) Symposium" (also known as the "THERS JDP Symposium" hosted by THERS), the "Academic Session" (hosted by the Gifu University Organization for Promotion of Glocalization (GU-GLOCAL)), and the "Industry-Government-Academia-Banking Institution Collaboration Session" (also hosted by GU-GLOCAL).

In the Academic Session on Thursday, November 16 and Friday, November 17 held under the theme, "Sustainable Development of Regions; SDGs and beyond," ten speakers delivered speeches on their respective research themes, which included cutting-edge food sciences, disaster prevention measures, and energy development. The guest speakers were invited to the symposium from the Indian Institute Technology Guwahati (IITG, India), the National Institute of Technology Surathkal, Karnataka (India), Kyoto University, Hokkaido University, and Nagoya University, all of which are located in Japan.

THERS JDP Symposium was held on Thursday, December 7 under the theme, "Joint Degree Programs for the Development of Human Resources Capable of Addressing Global Agenda: Aiming for Internationalization in Education and Research and Revitalization of Community." It started with the keynote speech by Mr. KOBAYASHI Yosuke, Counselor (in charge of international affairs), the Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Following his speech, three JDP students (graduates and undergraduates) shared their experiences of studying abroad through video messages. In the subsequent panel discussion, representatives from three universities (Nagoya University, the University of Tsukuba, and Gifu University) spoke about their respective JDP activities. Mr. Kobayashi later joined the discussions with the representatives and exchanged opinions regarding active enrollment of JDP students and the future of JDP students’ business and academic careers.

On Friday, December 8, "Industry-Government-Academia-Banking Institution Collaboration Session" was held at the University Auditorium. The session was also live-streamed online. Since this session was conducted in the form of the "Gifu University Symposium" as well, various activities of GU-GLOCAL were highlighted for the audience.

The next panel discussion consisted of two sessions; "Glocal Commitment to Decarbonized Society," and "Application of Indian Bamboo Resources to Businesses." Ten guest speakers from major businesses in the community delivered speeches. Two Gifu University professors also presented their research activities on global issues. The presentations led to intensive discussions among the speakers and the professors.

On the same day of December 8, a total of 25 companies from the central Tokai Region showcased their products and services to international and Japanese students who visited their exhibition booths set up at Room No. 111 of the Faculty of Engineering.

A total of 295 people attended the 5th Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023 from Japan and abroad (of these, 75 people attended JDP Symposium, 92 attended the Academic Session, and 128 attended the Industry-Government-Academia-Banking Institution Collaboration Session).

Gifu University continues to host JDP related events and activities including symposiums, to further promote internationalization of the university and the community.

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    Presentation by Professor EBIHARA Akio, Gifu University (on December 7)

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    Booth Exhibition (on December 8)

