Delegation from UKM made a courtesy visit to Gifu University

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, four delegates from the National University of Malaysia (UKM, Malaysia) made a courtesy visit to Gifu University. They were:
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kassim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International Affairs)
- Prof. Dr. Ishak Ahmad, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
- Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mastor, Dean, School of Liberal Studies, and
- Mr. Nur Haiqal Rawlins Una Abdullah, Chief Assistant Registrar, UKM International Relations Centre

Since the conclusion of university-level agreement in September 2016, Gifu University and UKM have been enjoying active, flourishing exchange between faculties and students.

The four delegates represented by Dr. Kassim held talks with Gifu University board members. They were; Vice President KAMBARA Shinji (International Affairs, Information and (Deputy in Charge for) Evaluation), Executive Director KOYAMA Hiroyuki of Organization for Promotion of Glocalization (GU-GLOCAL), Professor KUTSUMIZU Shoichi and Professor Lim Lee Wah (both from the Faculty of Engineering). They exchanged opinions concerning the current state of partnership such as Joint Degree Programs(JDP, PhD), and future agendas to reinforce the relationship between the two universities.

After the meeting, the delegation was invited to the building of the Faculty of Regional Studies and met with the Dean, Deputy Dean and the members of the faculty. They discussed implementation of the current exchange programs which will be jointly operated with UKM, as well as future direction of partnership between Gifu University and UKM.

The delegation's latest visit to Gifu University gave us another momentum to strengthen our partnership, and is also expected to result in launching a new joint program in the future.

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