one video


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The “Collaborative Video Making Program” will provide you an opportunity to create a video clip with other participants via a web conferencing system that enables people around the globe to enjoy active online interactions. You will be asked to discuss and share the ideas with your overseas counterparts regarding topics, themes or contents of a clip. We believe that unique, attractive video contents will raise people’s interests in cultures or traditions in different countries, and become a strong driving force for robust inbound and outbound exchanges in the days to come. By engaging in this online platform, you will find yourself to become more open and receptive to new ideas or perspectives, enjoy and appreciate a strong sense of achievements and a spirit of teamwork.
We hope that through your participation in this online platform, many discoveries will be made and a lot of new encounters will take place. We truly look forward to welcoming your participation in this “Collaborative Video Making Program!”


Today, free inflow and outflow of people across national borders is strictly limited, which is creating the situations where fewer and fewer people can enjoy experiencing cultures or traditions of different countries firsthand. We asked ourselves, “What can we do in these extremely challenging times?” Thanks to the kind cooperation from the members of our Gifu University Organization for Promotion of Glocalization, we have come up with a completely new online platform for communications and exchanges. Our “Collaborative Video Making Program” takes the form of web conferencing and asks students’ participation from Gifu University, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and the National University of Malaysia (both of which are Gifu University’s joint degree programs partner universities). This program is an alternative program in lieu of the Winter School and Spring School programs being undertaken until last year.
Instead of conducting academic exchanges in specific research fields, we set the following goal for the program: “Create a video clip for an acceleration of international exchange.” Given that responses to COVID-19 vary by countries, the program participation is available for anyone while staying at home.


  • Video production theme
    Promoting bilateral international exchanges
  • Eligibility
    Students fromGifu University / Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati / Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia
  • Capacity
    16 students (total)
  • Language
  • Duration
    mid-Nov,2020 to mid-March,2021
  • Communication tool
    Zoom, Skype, etc.
  • Support
    Gifu University professor will oversee one team.
    In addition, a creative agency will provide video making assistance/advice (2 sessions).
  • Video making tool
    Smartphone only
  • Evaluation criteria
    Evaluation will be based on the concept of the video narrative and accompanying presentation.
    The winning team will be awarded a prize.
  • Video presentation
    mid-March, 2021 (date to be announced)
  • Note
    Films are for academic purpose only.
    All rights and property of video submissions will belong to Gifu University.


  • 1


    Oct 2020
  • 2+

    Group 4 GroupsGroup members
    Role of each memberLeader:1 Actor:1 Director:2


  • 3


  • 4+

    You will be instructed by a video editing company about shooting video.

    Lecture of
    video shooting(1)

  • 5+

    Active discussion within the team
    Suggestions from Gifu University faculty members


  • 6


    Jan 2021
  • 7+

    You will receive instruction on the video you’ve shot.

    Lecture of
    video shooting(2)

  • 8


    Jan 27th
  • 9

    Video editing
    by 140 ELE.

    end-Jan to end-Feb
  • 10+

    Let's express the uniqueness of your story and concept!


    Mar 9th

University information


Collaborative member






  • Group1
    • 1st Workshop of group1 with 140 Ele.

    • Video shooting at near the library of Gifu University

    • 2nd Workshop of group1 with 140 Ele.

  • Group2
    • 1st Workshop of group2 with 140 Ele.

    • Video shooting at the entrance of Gifu University

    • Video shooting at the park in UKM

    • 2nd Workshop of group2 with 140 Ele.

  • Group3
    • 1st Workshop of group3 with 140 Ele.

    • 2nd Workshop of group3 with 140 Ele.

  • Group4
    • 1st Workshop of group4 with 140 Ele.

    • 2nd Workshop of group4 with 140 Ele.